Jeremy Côté

Bits, ink, particles, and words.

The Guarantee

Like many young endurance athletes, I aspire to be competitive to the point that I can actually win races. In my mind, I feel like as soon as I can get to that point, I will have become a “real” competitive runner instead of this sub-par one that I am at the moment.

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This happens to everyone:

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Ion Drives and Rockets

Most spacecrafts use chemical rocket engines to propel themselves around in space. Spacecrafts use chemical rockets because they produce a high impulse, which is the change in momentum produced in a given amount of time. Therefore, these engines don’t have to run for long, since they can generate the needed force to move quite quickly. The energy produced from the chemical combustion is great, but the time the reaction goes on is relatively short.

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As an athlete who has played a variety of sports (hockey, soccer, basketball, badminton, cross-country, road racing, tennis), I’ve found that there’s one trait in particular that separates the great players from the good ones. It’s more applicable in racquet or ball sports, but every sport can make use of this trait in some small way. While I’m only going to focus on sports for today, it’s actually applicable to nearly any kind of game.

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