Jeremy Côté

Bits, ink, particles, and words.

Going Through The Motions

When you know how to do something, it can often be repetitive and tedious to continue practicing. After all, you know exactly what you need to do, so why should you do more of it? This is something I’ve frequently asked myself, particularly when I’m in the middle of doing strength work after a run. I know I have to do it, but it’s not exactly easy to go and actually commit that time every single day. Likewise, many of us know that we aren’t giving our eyes the proper rest before sleep (and we probably aren’t sleeping enough), yet we stop ourselves from going and doing the thing we know we should.

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In my personal life, I have several different kinds of hobbies and interests. Obviously, you can see from my site that I love to write, and so it probably isn’t surprising that I enjoy reading as well. Additionally, I enjoy sports as a whole, but specifically I have a knack (and a love) for running, basketball, hockey, badminton, squash, and many other ones as well. However, if I had to choose which sports I participate on a serious basis, it would have to be solely running. I like all the other ones mentioned, but running is the one where I put a huge portion of my time and energy in. Likewise, I spend a good amount of effort writing and reading, so I would consider those my three big areas of my life.

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One of the most hated things in all of school is the speech. Students hate talking by themselves in front of a room full of peers. This usually has something to do with students not wanting to look ridiculous in front of their peers. Personally, I never had too much of a problem with presenting in front of a bunch of others, but I wasn’t necessarily a natural either. My strategy consisted of trying to memorize my presentation as much as possible, but at the same time, I never fully had my presentation down. Therefore, I’d be walking a thin tightrope to not trip up on my presentation while still trying to sound natural.

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Why Do I Need This?

The answer: you probably don’t.

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