Jeremy Côté



The greatest thing you can give your audience is a reason to be excited.

Sure, communicating with the aim of transmitting information is good. However, if we want to maximize the information that is being recalled, as well as get them to be proactive in their learning, we need to be mindful of how we’re communicating. In other words, we need to be excited and convey that excitement to our audience.

What does this look like? It means being dynamic in your communication, varying your methods and examples given. It means being enthusiastic, which is a quality that needs to be outwardly expressed in order to register with your audience. You don’t have to be bubbly, but being engaged and lively about your subject is definitely a good start. This is particularly true if you’re an expert in your subject. Even if you’ve read and learned about a particular component before, this could be the first time for your audience. Take advantage of that first exposure, and make them see why they should be excited.

The second thing you should do is think about how this information can be useful to your audience. Learning is great, but learning with a bent towards practicality or purpose to the learning enriches it that much more. Your audience can then understand why this information is important and useful, versus simply having a bunch of trivia that doesn’t amount to anything.

If we want our audience to be engaged and coming back for more, we need to offer something to them. By being exciting and getting the audience to be excited from the possibilities of your ideas, we can achieve our goal of building a committed audience. We just need to offer value that actually has some use.

Remember, excitement is only contagious if you outwardly show it. Drive your audience to be excited about your ideas, and they will return for more.