Jeremy Côté

Bits, ink, particles, and words.

What is a Differential Equation?

For those who don’t study mathematics but have an interest in science, the term “differential equation” will often come up in conversation. They are often said to be really important to all scientific disciplines, but what are they exactly, and how do they help us describe the world?

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What Are Toy Models in Physics?

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A Simple Puzzle

I love simple puzzles with elegant solutions that are perhaps unexpected. I particularly enjoy it when these puzzles can be solved without invoking a whole bunch of machinery to support the solution. Mathematical machinery is nice, but a great simple puzzle can be a great segway into that machinery. As such, invoking it right off the bat kind of misses the point.

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Dimensions of Objects

Here’s an interesting question: what is a dimension? Dimensions can often seem like life. We know it when we see it, but defining it can be kind of tricky. As such, a good heuristic can be useful in thinking about dimensions, and, in particular, the number of dimensions a particular mathematical object has.

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